Accessible Diversity Services Initiative Limited (ADSI) is an approved provider delivering NDIS services for clients with severe, persistent and episodic disabilities in the following nine (9) Support Categories. ADSI charges within the price limits as outlined in the NDIS Support Catalogue for all its NDIS services. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 02 8737 5500 for more information.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) introduced a Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) effective 1st July 2019, from which providers of attendant care and community centre-based activities can charge higher support prices. ADSI follows the TTP requirements and charges TTP prices for a range of support items. You can read more in the NDIS Price Guide 2020-21 or contact us on (02) 8737 5700 should you have any question. NDIA reviews prices annually with the current prices as of 1st March 2021.
Service Area: Sydney
Video: What is the NDIS, Credit NDIS Australia